The Genius Of John Kingerlee

The Art of John Kingerlee
The Art of John Kingerlee
The current body of work consists of landscapes, collages, paintings with figures and animals, including a series of heads, and abstract grid paintings. The landscapes are painted in oils, which I prepare myself in the studio from the raw pigments supplied by Cornelissen’s of London. These works are built up in multiple layers and often worked on over many years, acquiring ever richer textures with the aid of the palette knife and stipplingwith the end of a hog’s hair paintbrush. They are landscapes, but they are also abstract pictures; you can see them as you wish.
I hope my paintings, collages and drawings will be regarded as life-affirming by the people who see them. They inevitably reflect the various places where I have lived and worked. However, I hope my hard-won experience and yearsof struggle have developed over time into a perspective that is more universal.I would like my art to express, if possible, the greater Unity that binds allthings – organic and inorganic – together. In my life as an artist I feel thatany kind of ocular stimulation is a miracle to start with. To see anything is amiracle. Just to be here is a miracle. I’d like to communicate that to people.

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Explore the World of Kingerlee
There is no limit to Kingerlee’s invention… He views the world as an exhaustible supply of raw material for his art. In truth, he is as much an alchemist as an artist… John Kingerlee’s art, more than a unique vision of nature, is a lone voice of responsibility in a world beset by consumption and exploitation… John Kingerlee may be to the twenty-first century what Turner … was to the nineteenth century and Cezanne … was to the twentieth.